Behringer came out with a number of cheap modules, so here we go. “Roland” and “ARP 2500” in nice TipTop enclosures. The semi-portability makes this perfect for, say, patching in bed.

Oh no I didn’t…? Yep, I did…

Rev 4, to be exact.

There it is, with its pal. I didn’t actually get two; the first one had a broken USB chip, or something, so I returned it and got another one, but not in that order.

Here it is with its other pal.

First time in many years I’ve bought anything new. Moog and Behringer more or less jumped me. 4 of the first and 6 of the latter plus the new ARP Odyssey meant some rearranging had to happen.

I expanded the Jasper’s rack to stand partially on my desk, and crammed as many keyboards on top of each other as humanly possible. The end result is not particularly ergonomic, as I actually need to do some diving to get sounds done. I can slide a synth I’m working with a bit outwards from the stand so I can get to all of the knobs, and I guess this is as good a compromise as any. The G2 is entirely hidden from view behind the MS-20, but that’s the one I don’t need to actually touch.

Just a couple of more modules or eurorack thingies and I won’t be able to see out through my window anymore, which would be a shame. Time for some serious introspection and prioritisation, then. Along the lines of less-is-more, maybe? Or maybe I should move…

Musical Output From This Period

A really positive thing: I’ve been quite productive and managed to finish a shitload of songs that I’m making with my Bro. Just one more to go and we’re finished. Not socially, but from the project’s viewpoint.

This literally showed up at my doorstep. Thanx, you-know-who-you-are! Now I understand why my guitars have been so quiet. This is also a nice way to meet new neighbours.

I’ve been meaning to get a bass guitar for ages, just to get that wonderful *twannnnnng* sound. Let’s see where this ends up.

And what is it with these guitar / bass naming conventions? I get it that if you have loads of similar products there has to be something that distinguishes them from each other, but how am I supposed to ever remember exactly what kind of bass or guitar I have?

A solid semimodular monosynth + sequencer. Part of my 3-piece random sound & song generator thingy consisting of this one, the DFAM and the Subharmonicon, which I plan to use as more or less one instrument. Let’s see how that goes.

This is really far from a normal drum machine, as I’ve become to know them. Drum synth with sequencer is closer to the truth. Got to give it to the Moog guys, it’s fun to come across something that really surprises you and leaves you wondering what the hell it is all about. I’m looking forward to a huge amount of happy accidents with this one. Oh, semimodular as well. Everything should be semimodular, come to think of it.

This is something that is so different from anything else ever. It will most definitely require a lot of experimentation and me wrapping my head around subharmonics instead of just the usual stuff that’s present in every other synth ever made but this one. Even if it definitely is a machine that goes “Pinnnnnngg”, it also definitely does it its own way. I think the happy accident-route is something I’m going for with this one as well.

Behringer’s version of the classic-est of all classics, the Moog Minimoog Model D. With these prices, I just could not resist getting one. Seems solid so far.

Behringer’s version of the classic Korg synth. The original was the only one of the Older Monos that has been on my to-get list since I got into analog synths. At the time, 2004-ish, you could get a decent “antique” mono from 500€ upwards, and I remember seeing the original Mono/Polys going for somewhere between maybe 1000€ and 1200€. But when it came time for me to get one, the prices had gone insane, so I never got one. Imagine my joy when this one came out. And it’s a really fun synth to waste time with. Turn on the arpeggiator or sequencer, and let it do its thing. That stepping-through-oscillators thingy is quite nice.