This could be one of the best synths ever made. Proof that less is more. It’s really simple and wonderfully inspiring, has patch points and sounds HUGE. You can’t go wrong with this one. And the arpeggiator / sequencer by no means lessen the experience. Full points. Desert island stuff.

Actually got these in 2008 or so, but I had them in the kitchen. Moved them to the bedroom part of the studio in 2019, so they didn’t really qualify as studio gear before that.

I traded my almost unused Wavedrum for this. I will most likely trade this one unused for something else. Can’t really see myself using it. I thought it would be a standalone beat thingy, but, alas, no. Things need to get simpler, not harder. So it’s got to go.

Another huge restructuring. Of my entire life, no less. But back on topic. This time part of the studio will live in my new living room, and the rest of it will be in my bedroom.

Bedroom portion of the studio

I’ve been thinking. If I could find a long UBS-C / Thunderbolt cable (14 meters would do), I could move all the synths to the bedroom and have a livingroom-y living room, but 500+ UKP for an optical cable is not really worth it. I think it would be quite a nice setup: I could control the synths with the Arturia controller from my DAW, and should I want to play around with the synths, they would all be within reach in the bedroom. From the bedroom I could control my DAW with the Logic remote control app on the iPad. I think it would work really well. Let’s see.

In the meantime, I’m happy with having all my keyboard synths right next to me. As of now, the NM, Pulse and Kurzweil are not yet set up. Makes no sense, really, to do that, as there’s no connection to the DAW. So I might need to relocate them to the living room at some point. 

Playing with the Frank Jr / SEM / MiniBrute -combination works quite well, even if they are isolated. If I need to record them, I can use a long audio cable and play by hand.

Didn’t really get any music done during this period.